B2B tech company Cisco was planning to actively promote their new WebEx software product to technology business owners in areas hosting the Enterprise Connect Conference attendees. Wrapify was integrated into their media mix at the intersection of Out of Home (OOH) and Digital.
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Cisco was looking to actively promote their WebEx product to as many attendees as possible while the event was taking place. During the 4-week campaign, Cisco wanted to capture exposed devices and send users to their dedicated event landing page. Enter: Wrapify.
Overall, Cisco’s goal was to get landing page submissions from event attendees & relevant tech-savvy audiences.
Specific Goals:
- • Attribute direct website traffic to a specific landing page for a new product launch
- • Leverage SWARM at Enterprise Connect Conference
- • Target the attendees at two major locations
- • Retarget exposed conference attendees digitally
Cisco chose to have their advertising surrounding two major areas; The Orlando International Airport, and The Gaylord Palms Resort, while leveraging Wrapify’s
In addition, they leveraged SWARM. A SWARM is when multiple wrapped vehicles gather at a specific place and time, creating a huge brand moment nobody can forget!

Once the cars were on the road, they started exposing the phones and devices in the pockets of everyone in range. Then, the digital retargeting ads began going out to those users.

An example of Cisco’s retargeting ad used on web, search & social media served to exposed devices.
Amongst the benefits a brand will always have from campaigns like this one, here are the impressive numbers that helped them reach their goals:
1,016%+ Event Landing Page Traffic Increase
13,365,165+ Total OOH Impressions
4,060,010+ Bonus OOH Impressions
Benefit Overview:
- • Digital event landing page traffic increase
- • Campaign attribution measurement dashboard
- • Concentration of impressions in chosen event areas
- • Heavy SWARM activity, exposing event attendee’s devices
- • Increased reach and frequency of overall OOH and digital advertising in-market
Using Wrapify for this campaign has put Cisco in a powerful position to develop their next out-of-home and digital campaign. The brand is in the driving seat, accompanied by a vast amount of data in the Wrapify Dashboard about their audience which will help influence and inspire future company growth and success.
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