For lawyers, trying to reach their audience and remain top of mind when accidents or mishaps occur, out-of-home advertising is the way to go. This isn’t news to you. So without needing to explain how this all works, let’s jump into ways you can increase brand awareness for your firm with the addition of a new platform into your marketing plan.

So bright you might wanna grab your sunglasses.
We’re not talking your average billboard or bus wrap. It’s COOLER, well we (and other firms like yours) think so anyway.
Without further ado… we present the one thing missing from your marketing plan – Rideshare Advertising.
So picture this: Multiple branded vehicles with your firm plastered all over them while Uber, Lyft, DoorDash and grocery delivery drivers circulate around local restaurants and neighborhoods. How is that for a hyperlocal campaign?

Vehicle Wraps were named the most noticed OOH medium on the road back in 2019 according to Neilson. Brands noticed. We work with some of the biggest brands on the planet as well as numerous local and regional brands. From Morgan & Morgan to smaller regional law offices from coast to coast.
We have a plan for you.
- Get more ROI with Wrapify’s omni-channel platform
The days of counting impressions alone are over. Using mobile ad IDs otherwise known as MAIDs we can gauge when our vehicle advertisement leads to an online or in-office conversion. Taking that a step further, we seamlessly allow firms to take their offline advertising efforts online with our retargeting and attribution suite.
- Give back to your local community
All of this plus, give back to your local economy by putting money back into the pockets of rideshare and gig drivers in your area. That is a lasting impression that will resonate in the hearts and minds of the community you serve.
Let’s start making your advertising dollars work for you. Fill out the form to get started.